Are your thoughts making you sick? Find out how to fix it quick smart

admin Consciousness, Happiness, High Vibration, Self-Love, Spirituality, Transformation

Hello from your Happy Hit. How are you? I have been on extended holiday leave, reading, researching, retreating and now back ready to get moving again onwards and upwards raising my vibration and creating holistic healing products and services.   What’s new? I have prepared a variety of positive statements and affirmations to keep you on track for healthy and …

14 Christmas Self-Care Tips

admin Self-Love

Hello!  How are you? My little family and I have been busy making room in our lives for 6 family members who have flown across the world to us to help celebrate our favourite time of year – Christmas. There has been far too much cleaning for my liking and not enough chilaxing and connecting! Before I sign off I …

Unapologetically authentic

Unapologetically Authentic

admin Depression, Fear, Happiness, Self-Love, Stress, Transformation

Authenticity I read a really great article which I shared on Facebook yesterday, it was on how depression (pressing down of emotions) is in cases caused by a lack of self-expression. Situations where we are unable to be present as our true honest selves, instead pushing down our emotions. Why would we do that? And let’s be honest we all …

Pain into Love with an EPIC gift for you

admin Happiness, Self-Love, Transformation

It all began 24 July 2001 with the death of my Darling Dad. FREE – Retreat at Home Membership Program. I had finished my Management and Tourism Degree and was working in travel management, it was a greedy competitive corporate world. I was flying through life stressed, over worked, over playing, burnt out from partying, holidays and giving giving giving …

Depression the shadow side of happy – Let’s talk about it.

admin Depression

I think it’s important to bring awareness to this topic as we all know someone who is or has suffered with mental health, whether it’s ourselves, a loved one, a child or friend it’s good to gain clarity so we can have compassion and kindness and offer support when needed. Depression is ‘A mental condition characterized by feelings of severe …


Is your cruel monkey mind chatter bullying you? Part 2

Lyndsay Wright Happiness, Self-Love

We sometimes in life have mountains to climb, there are always so many lessons in those climbs, they are often painful or include suffering and every moment is a fleeting moment and it’s passed, transient, it moves like a river and so will we keep moving, time keeps moving, keep learning, not being put off by fears. Then in one moment usually …