Hello, how are you? Since I last wrote I have turned 40 and flown to the other side of the world to celebrate with family and friends in England then back to Australia for more celebrations, my cup is full and I am looking forward to what this new decade will manifest for me. I wanted to share with you …
Are your thoughts making you sick? Find out how to fix it quick smart
Hello from your Happy Hit. How are you? I have been on extended holiday leave, reading, researching, retreating and now back ready to get moving again onwards and upwards raising my vibration and creating holistic healing products and services. What’s new? I have prepared a variety of positive statements and affirmations to keep you on track for healthy and …
How to have Lion Courage that will have you laughing through your fears.
I am inspired this week by courage, the courage to continue to move forward regardless of the brains death throes. We have a tendency in the western world to go through our lives living in our head and yet it’s our heart where our passions lies, Mastin Kipp of Daily Love said: “When we live in our heart our brain …
Live in that space that’s magical, abundant and easy.
So last week I challenged you to be authentic for 24 hours. How was that for you? were you up for it? tough? excruciating? Did it bring up any conflict for you? I found it very liberating, giving myself permission to be authentic. There was one place that I struggled though, with my children. I felt that I had to censor my …
Unapologetically Authentic
Authenticity I read a really great article which I shared on Facebook yesterday, it was on how depression (pressing down of emotions) is in cases caused by a lack of self-expression. Situations where we are unable to be present as our true honest selves, instead pushing down our emotions. Why would we do that? And let’s be honest we all …
Pain into Love with an EPIC gift for you
It all began 24 July 2001 with the death of my Darling Dad. FREE – Retreat at Home Membership Program. I had finished my Management and Tourism Degree and was working in travel management, it was a greedy competitive corporate world. I was flying through life stressed, over worked, over playing, burnt out from partying, holidays and giving giving giving …
Is your cruel monkey mind chatter bullying you? Part 2
We sometimes in life have mountains to climb, there are always so many lessons in those climbs, they are often painful or include suffering and every moment is a fleeting moment and it’s passed, transient, it moves like a river and so will we keep moving, time keeps moving, keep learning, not being put off by fears. Then in one moment usually …
I’m in Brisbane with my hero The Dalai Lama (enlightened sigh)
Hi from a warm and cheery Queensland. I’m currently in Brisbane working with The Dalai Lama as a volunteer team member. I just wanted to share some pictures from the trip and share my journey so far. As I set off on the plane for this exciting trip I was reading Eckhart Tolle ‘The Power of Now’, a fabulous read …
Struggling with Happiness? Get the answers!
How do we achieve and define Happiness? Meet basic needs + positive state/attitude to life + internal valuing = Happiness. What do we mean? Lets have a look. Happiness is a state of being, it is a choice of how to be, based on our feelings, attitude and state of mind. The things that allow people to make choices around …